SexDollCenter.Vip Review

If you’ve been browsing for sex dolls and stumbled across SexDollCenter.Vip, let this be your warning: steer clear. This website is a textbook example of a scam operation, built on stolen content, false advertising, and deceptive sales tactics. Here’s why you should avoid buying from this site at all costs.

1. Stolen Images and Fake Specifications

SexDollCenter.Vip operates like many scam websites by using stolen images and listing fake specifications for their dolls. Every picture you see on their site has been lifted from legitimate manufacturers, making it seem like you’re buying a high-quality product. The reality? You’re not.

  • Stolen Content: They’ve ripped off all the images and videos from reputable manufacturers. The dolls they show you don’t exist in their inventory—they’re just random photos slapped together with arbitrary specs.
  • False Advertising: They claim to have dolls “in stock” for quick shipping, but these scammers are simply drop-shipping cheap knockoffs from shady warehouses in China. What you see is definitely not what you’ll get (if you even get a product at all).

2. The “About Us” Section: Full of Lies

Like most scam sites, SexDollCenter.Vip tries to portray itself as a reliable and established company. Their “About Us” section is designed to fool you, but here’s what’s really going on:

  • Fake Factory Claims: They try to pass themselves off as a manufacturer, but this is simply a lie. They don’t produce anything. They’re just acting as a middleman for low-quality counterfeit dolls.
  • No Physical Presence: They have no physical address or factory. I tried calling them twice—both calls went unanswered, and there’s no real way to reach them. Lack of transparency is a major red flag.

3. Customer Service: A Complete Joke

Their customer service is laughable at best, and a scam in itself. I sent them an email to test their knowledge and got back a response that was so bad, it was almost funny.

  • Slow and Useless Replies: It took them 24 hours to respond, and when they finally did, the email was full of mistakes. They promised customization options that weren’t even possible for the model I asked about and dodged my question about the originality of the doll.
  • Translation Needed: Their email was written so poorly that it was hard to understand. I had to hire a professional linguist just to make sense of it—something that speaks volumes about their professionalism (or lack thereof).

4. Deceptive Sales Tactics

SexDollCenter.Vip uses manipulative sales tactics to pressure unsuspecting customers into making hasty decisions.

  • Fake Discounts and Scarcity: They’ll list famous models, like a WM Doll, but with completely incorrect specs—for example, labeling a 162cm doll as a 157cm model. Then they slap on a “huge discount” and claim that only a few are left in stock, creating a false sense of urgency.
  • Fake Reviews: Their site is filled with fake reviews designed to build false credibility. These glowing testimonials are nothing more than fabricated lies to lure in more victims.

5. The Bottom Line: Scammers, Plain and Simple

SexDollCenter.Vip is a full-blown scam. They sell counterfeit, low-quality dolls that are falsely advertised using stolen images and incorrect specifications. Their entire business is designed to deceive you, and their so-called customer service is a joke.


  • They have fake reviews to build false trust.


  • They sell cheap knockoff dolls.
  • They use stolen images for marketing.
  • They don’t answer the phone or have a physical address.
  • Their product specifications are completely inaccurate.
  • Their customer service is useless.


SexDollCenter.Vip is nothing more than a scam website designed to take your money by selling you cheap, counterfeit dolls. Their claims of being a legitimate factory are false, and their customer service is non-existent. The entire business is based on lies and deception, and you’ll likely end up with a low-quality doll that doesn’t resemble the one you ordered—or worse, nothing at all.

Avoid this vendor at all costs. Do yourself a favor and invest your money in a legitimate, trustworthy source instead. Don’t fall for their tricks—SexDollCenter.Vip is a scam, plain and simple.

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